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The commonly used injectable steroid is testosterone, it gives you the best results, there is no other. We need to use a combination of testosterone and estradiol at the same time and not take any other hormones besides testosterone. You should start with 1 microgram (0.05 mg) testosterone, which will last up to 2½ months. After 2 months, we increase to 200 micrograms (0.33 mg), then up to 600 micrograms (0.75 mg), and to 900 micrograms (1.5 to 2 mg) before going back to 1 microgram (0.05 mg) after a year and a half to 2½ years of supplementation. Another common steroid, oestrogen, provides an incredible effect that can last up to 10 years. How long will the results last? For the first 6 months, your testosterone will increase, the body will convert its testosterone back into estrogen. Estrogen can increase the size of the breasts, make you bald, and make you more prone to acne. However, on the positive side, estrogen has an amazing cooling effect on your liver, and it helps in lowering your blood pressure. You will likely notice a great difference after 6 months. How much testosterone should I take? One microgram (0.05 mg). Estrogen and T levels are highly related to each other. For instance, the effect of a 50mg dose of testosterone on estrogen is approximately 0.6 percent or more. The effects depend on the body tissue of both the male and female. This is the first thing you should know. Because your testosterone levels are so closely tied to your estrogen levels, taking too much of any estrogen may have undesirable side effects. How do I take my testosterone? The quickest way is by taking 2 mg of testosterone (or 2 micrograms) two hours before you use a steroid. After the two hours are up, take one additional microgram and use it until you achieve a full 2 mg, at which point you may take another microgram to speed up the process. For most guys, a single dose with a 20-30 minute rest between doses works best. The rest time is in order to ensure a good mix of testosterone to estrogen (estrogen to testosterone), which will continue to work after your levels drop and the body makes the switch back again. When you are on an HCG medication, we recommend only injecting your testosterone daily, the same way you take HCG. To help avoid some Related Article: