If users struggle to read your content easily, they’ll be more likely to bounce. Keep things simple, and don’t feel the need to use fancy words, complex sentences, and other jargon to make your content better. Most people won’t thank you for it.
Recommended reading: 12 Easy SEO Copywriting Tips for Better Content and Higher Rankings
3. Be mobile-friendly
Most websites get the majority of their visitors from mobile, so it’s super-important that your site is optimized for smaller screens. That means having intuitive navigation, large font and image sizes, and as little clutter as possible.
The workload like this whatsapp number list allows both the vendor and the affiliate to focus on. Clicks are the number of clicks coming to your website’s URL from organic search results.
Here’s a shameless plug of our own homepage viewed on mobile to show how to do it right:
4. Moderate your ads, pop-ups and interstitials
When I see something like this upon loading a page, I bounce right away:
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This is the kind of clutter I mentioned in the previous point. It’s especially annoying on mobile, where it occupies most of the screen, and where it’s often near-impossible to hit the “X” button.
If you have these on your site and don’t want to give them up, at least moderate the number of advertisements and trigger the pop-ups and interstitials only after the user has completed specific actions.
For example, if you have a pop-up for your newsletter signup, show it to people only after they’ve consumed some of your content or when they’re about to leave your website. It’ll probably convert better that way too.